
Why is it that a guy and girl can’t get along after a relationship has ended between them? A conversation a friend and I had last weekend about his own situation sparked me to write about this. He’s caught between wanting to be in some way involved with his ex and not wanting to deal with the bullsh*t baggage that goes with it. There’s a whole back story to the thing and it’s way more complicated than it might seem, but I don’t think he’d appreciate me talking about it here for everyone to read. I’ve probably said enough already to piss him off, but oh well. The point I’m trying to make is that I don’t think I’ve seen one relationship that ended where the two parties remained good friends afterwards. I’ve seen this through tons of examples with my friends.

I know I’ve even dealt with the same thing myself. Basically, I’ve tried to be friends as much as possible with my ex. A couple of problems though. I feel stupid every time I talk to her because I know she still thinks I see her the same old way and that’s not even close to being the case anymore. I can’t blame her for it though because I did think that way for a while. More so, though, I think we’re just at that point where she doesn’t care if we continue to remain friends or not. Like I’ve lost all value to her. Well, what are ya going to do? It’s sad in a way considering the investment (and yes, it is an investment) people put into a relationship.

Oh well. You learn with more passing time that relationships come and go. Some are there to fill miscellaneous voids in time and are completely pointless (like current ones). Some are down right evil and unhealthy. Some are huge key frames in your life that you’ll never forget and learn a lot from. What you also learn is that most (not all) are best left concluded.

Minister Rich

Check me out. I’ve just become an ordained minister. You don’t believe me? Check out this e-mail of confirmation I got from the Universal Life Church. Recognize!

I can perform weddings, funerals, baptisms, and blessings. Unfortunately, I can’t perform circumcisions… legally. I think my first act as a minister is going to be a blessing during the company wide morning meeting tomorrow. I’ll let ya know how that goes over with everyone.


I bought niewiroski.com the other day and it seems like it’s up and running now. Niewiroski is my last name just in case you can’t figure that out on your own. I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do with it, but until then, it’s just going to point here. Just in case you were wondering (and I’m sure you weren’t), that’s a Polish name. This being the case here’s a bunch of Polish jokes.

Hot Or Not

I just got back from hanging with someone I met on HotOrNot.com. A friend at work recommended me to try the “Meet Me” feature on that site because he’s met a lot of people through it. I’ve always used the “Rate Me” section just because it’s fun, but never the “Meet Me”. I’ll tell ya what, it’s a nice feature. Cuts out all of the initial chatting and other bullsh*t because everyone is there specifically to go out and meet other people. You should try it if you’re looking for something interesting. The following is my current rating and a link to my hotornot page:


tr valign=bottom>

Official Rating
based on 116 votes

Check out my picture!

My raw votes:table>tr valign=bottom>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


How HOT are you? – www.hotornot.com

I’m guessing I’ll move down in points since the majority of people who visit this site are people I know and will probably vote a 1 on me for the hell of it. Maybe this wasn’t such a hot idea.

So what’s happened this week? Nothing much really. A lot of work and that’s about it. Next week is going to get much better because we’ve hired back 2 people that I’m friends with and have worked with in the past. Maybe I’ll have more interesting lunch stories now. I hope the weekend wont be as bad as the week. I wanted to get to Arizona to see some friends, but it looks like I can’t do that. And then back here, a lot of my local friends wont be around so that means I’ll have to hang with more people from HotOrNot. I’m not sure if that’s a bad or good thing yet.

It’s kind of strange actually. For about the last 4-5 months, I’ve totally not been interested in hanging with anyone of the opposite sex. I much rather would have gone out with the guys instead of dealing with all the bullsh*t that comes along with a girl. I’m telling ya, I must have been turning gay. Well, it seems to be changing up again. I’m starting to get… the feeling. haha Christ, I’m only human. I just don’t want to go about handling things the way I did before because in the end, it made me feel like crap. If you know me then you know what I’m talking about so I’m not going to explain it. Anyway, wish me luck and pray I don’t do anything stupid. I’ll be back when I have something good to talk about. I’m trying my best to post as much as I can.

Rich v3.0

I’m really upset with myself that I don’t make the time to post here more often. Seems like when I do find the time, it’s only for a couple of minutes (not enough to go into details) or it’s late like now and I’m just plain tired. It’s quite a shame (for me that is) because I have so much going on right now and I want so bad to write about it. Oh well. Let’s see how long I can write before I get too tired.

I had this amazing dream the other night about waking up and finding myself about 4-5 years in my past. I know exactly how I thought up this dream, but that’s not important right now. In the dream, I wake up in my room back at my parent’s house. This was during a time that I like to call Richie v2.0.

I like to relate my life to computer software simply because that’s what makes sense to me. Richie v1.0 started from about the beginning of high school to about 2 years after high school graduation. Anytime before that were betas of what eventually became v1.0. Richie v1.0 was a time when I simply didn’t care much about anything. Major goof off time in school and at home. Getting into a lot of trouble left and right. Living with the parents. No responsibilities. No future.

Richie v2.0 starts where v1.0 left off and goes up to about 6 months ago. It was during this time when I was able to find my drive and inspiration. I met people that made me want to be a better person. I decided to get my ass to a real college and find a real career. Moved out on my own and took on a lot of responsibility. I grew up a lot personally and professionally. Towards the end of that time though (like any other piece of software), I became old, outdated, and eventually lost a lot of my self worth. I got sloppy and made a lot of mistakes. Time for another revision.

In pops beta stages for Rich v3.0. Notice the name update too. A little older. A little wiser. Still making some mistakes, but learning from those (and all of the past ones) a lot quicker now. On my way to a final version very soon. Not exactly sure where things will take me but I do know I’m going to stabilize some instabilities in my life. Overall a gigantic improvement over late stages of v2.0.

Talk about a tangent. I wanted to tell you about a dream I had. Instead, I go on about how my life is like software. Oh well. I’m tired now and I want to go to sleep, but I’ll make sure to come back soon and post about my dream. Until then, be good humans.

I'm Not Dead

Despite what you may be thinking (or wishing), I’m not dead. These past 2 weeks have been some of the most stressful weeks I’ve had in my life and I can’t wait to get home tonight. There’s much to tell but I’m going to wait until I get home to write about it. I finally have something personal to say.

Until then, let me tell you a little about my lunch. Long story short, four of us leave and don’t come back for three hours. We knew we were gonna get shit from the bosses when we got back, so we started thinking about the story to tell them. About 2 blocks away, someone (I can’t remember who) gets this great idea. We pull over and turn off the car. Three of us get out and start pushing while the other person steers it back to work for a block and a half. We’re all laughing our asses off and knew this wasn’t going to work. Still, it was going to be funny enough to soften the blow. We push it into a spot. Someone comes out saying it’s time to buy a new car (the car is like 2 weeks old). We tell them we ran out of gas (still laughing our asses off). Well, after we get in, two of us are called up for a scheduled meeting. We’re asked about the “car problems” after we get upstairs. I thought everyone already thought we were joking. Unfortunately, my friend came up with this elaborate story about how we went to lunch and ran out of gas coming back. I’m resting my head in my hands trying not to laugh. They believe it and even start to tell us where we could find empty gas cans in the building that we can use to go buy gas afterwards. No turning back anymore. Now we have to sell it. So now it’s after the meeting. Two of the guys are getting ready to go to the gas station with those cans to go buy gas and bring it back to put into a car that is full of gas already. Good times.

Good luck to us all…

What have I been trying to accomplish with this blog? Recently, I’ve had several people ask me this. Some even became aggressively angry that I’ve shown no direction. Some laughed and said everything I’m doing is pointless. I’ve been going throughout the last week or so trying to come up with an answer to this question. It’s probably the reason for the ever growing lackluster posts. Originally, the concept was interesting and it seemed like a good place to vent when I needed to. A mental and techincal challenge to boot. Looking over some of my past posts, I see that I haven’t really established any kind of theme, hence, the confusion with the readers (the few there are). But I awoke from a nap this afternoon and suddenly I realized something.

You don’t have a f*cking clue. I’m not here trying to evoke some sort of feeling from you. If I do, well then that’s a nice perk for me, but it’s not my goal to entertain. I’m here because I don’t mind sharing certain things and even though it looks like there’s no direction right now, I do have a general plan.

I’m not breaking into your homes and setting your default page to my site. No one is forcing you to visit. I could care less if you do. What I do care about are the pointless comments the ignorant nutless assholes make (both anonymously and known). All it takes is one to start it and the rest of the sheep follow. Because of that, I’ve been forced to turn the option off for you to comment all together. You want to post some feedback? Great! Here’s the way to do it. Start your own blog and see what comes of it. I mean that’s the whole point to these things, right? So that even the common thoughtless bastards like you and I have a public place to throw things out into the open. You don’t like my nonsense? Go make your own.

Ok, so i’ve definitely gotten off track already in the month and a half that I’ve started this, and I want to change that. I want to turn it back into something personal for me. A venting ground and place to reference my past thoughts. No more beating down random bums in a drunken frenzy at 3 ‘o clock in the morning. This is my outlet for anything and everything. That is, after all, what a journal is, right? You’re invited to look over my shoulder and view if you want and I’ll be happy to read your thought out responses on your own forum. Most likely that wont happen because the people who are making the comments don’t really care either way, in which case I, in turn, don’t care what you think.

My God, I’m rambling. Where is this all going? Beats the hell out of you I’m sure. All that matters, though, is that I know where it’s going. Good luck to us all…