Here’s an AIM conversation (very little edited) I had with someone a little while ago about my scale. The scale.p class=”small”>rogueXnine: You want to hear my scale real quick?
font color=”red”>unnamed: sure
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: ok…
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine:
spacer size=”16″ type=”horizontal”>4. Pretty – physically attractive
spacer size=”16″ type=”horizontal”>3. Cute – possesses certain characteristics of cuteness
spacer size=”16″ type=”horizontal”>2. Intelligent – mentally attractive
spacer size=”16″ type=”horizontal”>1. Beautiful – all of the above
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: That’s kind of always how it’s been for me.
font color=”red”>unnamed: whats cuteness?
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Hmm. Ok…
font color=”red”>unnamed: i’m makin ya think!
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Yeah.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: I mean I wrote this down a while ago too.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: It’s the same thing.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: …
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Cute – contains "pretty", a certain precious charm maybe, contains part "intelligent"
font color=”red”>unnamed: ok more thinking…. how about when an actress is considered cute? or do they get a whole new scale?
font color=”red”>unnamed: cause the intelligence is harder to measure
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: It’s not a physical characteristic nor mental. More of a way someone presents themself.
font color=”red”>unnamed: a part of personality?
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Most definitely!
font color=”red”>unnamed: ok so do women who act get the same scale?
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: If they act and I can tell, they aren’t intelligent, therefore, aren’t cute.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Dude, I am so posting this conversation on my blog.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: does it make sense?
font color=”red”>unnamed: yes i think it does
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: k
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: That’s always been my scale.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: 2, 3, 4 are kind of even. 1 is ultimate.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: And I’ve only met one "beautiful" in my lifetime.
font color=”red”>unnamed: i’ve met my share of hot and sexy’s
font color=”red”>unnamed: my scale must be easier on people
font color=”red”>unnamed: but thats cool you put that much thought into it
font color=”red”>unnamed: cause i get the feeling a lot of guys are really arbitrary when it comes to girls
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: I wrote this huge thing on it a couple years ago. I should find it.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Maybe, but I don’t think I am. I know what I want and I don’t think I could ever settle.
font color=”red”>unnamed: settle for less than?
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Less than beautiful.
font color=”red”>unnamed: wow
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: But that’s not it either!
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: It has to be completely reciprocated on their part too. Or else why bother?
font color=”red”>unnamed: oh in how they think of you
font color=”red”>unnamed: makes sense
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: God I hope so. I mean this is really it.
i>rogueXnine signed off at 5:17:55 PM.
i>rogueXnine signed on at 5:18:20 PM.
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: OMG
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: please say you have that entire conversation
font color=”red”>unnamed: i log everything
font color=”blue”>rogueXnine: Cool. Can ya send it to me please?
I really hope that made sense to everyone because it makes complete sense to me.