I have decided to take on a new challenge. I’m going to try and learn anything and everything about MySQL databases and PHP. Why? Because I want to feel productive and it would be advantageous for me to learn it. Another big part of it is because I don’t feel any forward movement in my current job and learning new things will help me professionally progress forward with or without my current employer (and, in turn, keeping my sanity). So one of the first major goals I set for myself is to adapt my entire DVD database that I currently develop in FileMaker Pro over to a web-based MySQL/PHP driven database. I don’t think it should be too hard considering how flat the database is, but I’ll never know until I start working on it. I guess I’m off to pick up my first resource. I heard a lot of good things about this book and ratings for it are pretty high. I’ll probably also be using the reference manual from the official MySQL site a lot. Anyway, good luck to us all…