Happy Halloween!!!

Of course, the first thing I want to do is wish everyone a very happy Halloween. Me, I’m gonna do the same thing I’ve been doing for the last 6 years or so. Sierra Madre (this little town up in the hills) gets together and has this little Halloween thing. All of the houses in the area are way decorated and everyone carves a pumpkin and takes it to this one place where they make a type of pumpkin patch. Hundreds of pumpkins and all done very well. The whole thing is going to feel pretty different, though, because it will be the first time in a while I’m not going with a girl (just friends tonight). The last couple of years I took my ex and that’s not happening this year because, well, it’s kind of one of those things I only do with “special” people. Actually, now that I think about it, it’s probably going to feel better this year because I’ll be going with people who actually enjoy Halloween and I’m not having to drag them out there like I did with my ex.

Well in any case, I can’t wait. Gonna do the pumpkin carving first, then take off to the pumpkin patch. I’ll probably finish off the night watching my favorite Halloween movie ever, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Anyone out there doing anything interesting?