Beach and Babes (without the babes)

I know. It’s been awhile since I actually wrote anything on here worth reading. Do I care? No. I’ve been plenty busy doing a lot of thing and when I’ve had free time, I’ve been out in the sun. In fact, some friends and I all went out to the beach today. Nothing really interesting, but I’m going to talk about it anyway.

I was up until 3am or so last night playing GameCube so it was quite a chore getting up at 10am, but I did. Met up with my friends and then found out we were actually gonna go way out of the way to pick up some girl that my friend met online. Ok, so now instead of a 30 minute drive to the beach, we’re taking a 2 hour trip to Orange County to pick up some girl no one has ever seen before. I figure it will be worth it if she’s hot. Unfortunately , this wasn’t the case. Her face looked like someone kept hitting it with a bag of nickels or something. She made some comment at the beach like, “I don’t know if I should go in the water or stay out here and look pretty.” Girl, if those are your only 2 options, you better get your ass in the water. So I go body boarding and do a little tanning before we pack up and head over to the nearest bar to catch the Lakers game. We finished early and headed home to catch the last quarter. What a game! It goes into overtime and we win it there. Quite exciting stuff. I’m not a big basketball fan, but how can you not get into it when your home team is about to win its 3rd NBA championship in a row.

Anyway, it’s been a quite a long day and I’m tired now, so it’s off to bed for me. I can’t tell you how much I’m not looking forward to work tomorrow.

Official Radio User

I don’t know how I forgot about it, but I did. My 30-day trial period with Radio UserLand expired today and I was greeted with a blank screen asking me for a serial number when I started the program. No problem. There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to buy it. $39.95 is a steal for it so I was happy to throw in my credit card info and get myself back up and running. I’ve actually been working a lot this week on my new interface so I can get rid of the default one. More to come soon… hopefully.

Is it Friday yet?

You know the week is going to be bad when you’re already asking yourself this question on a Monday. Actually, there’s a couple of great things to look forward to this week.

A lot of good season finales are on this week. The X-Files series finale was last night and it was a very good ending to a great series. The next movie should be released around this time next year. 24‘s finale is tomorrow. I hope so much that betraying bitch Nina gets her ass killed. The Felicity series finale is on this Wednesday. This is simply the best series to EVER touch network television and I can even explain how upset I am to see it leave, but I’m very thankful I was able to see it from start to finish.

A couple of good DVD releases too this week. First there’s Vanilla Sky. I haven’t seen this movie yet and have heard mixed reactions from it, but I still can’t wait to see it. Tom Cruise is da man (not is a homosexual way either)! Then there’s the Memento Limited Edition DVD. I already have the normal version on DVD that came out last year, but I still can’t pass this up. It was easily my favorite movie of last year.

And then, of course, there is E3 to look forward to at the end of the week. Anything and everything having to do with video games is going to be there. You can only get if you work in a related industry. I specifically took a day off on Friday to go to the show all day at the Los Angeles Convention Center because I couldn’t justify to my work that it would benefit us as a company if I played games all day. It’s quite exciting and going to be very fun.

More Star Wars?

They say a good movie is one that gets better every time you watch it. I saw Star Wars Episode II: AOTC again last night and it was just as good as the first time I saw it. I would have prefered a more active crowd though. They were quiet for the most part until the last 40 minutes.

I’m not exactly sure how much AOTC is going pull in for the weekend, but it’s NOT going to come anywhere close to Spiderman although it will make a lot more in the states overall. There were a good amount of empty seats last night and that was opening night! My guess is a little over $80M for opening weekend and continue to be very steady over the coming weeks because of word of mouth. Lucas himself said it should overall make about 3/4 what Episode I did worldwide, so that’s about $800M. Not bad at all.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Review!!!

What better way to start this review of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones than with a taste of the all familiar score done by the brilliant John Williams?


I’m not going to go too much into what it was like standing in line or the atmosphere of the theater inside except to say it was the first showing at midnight in this theater and the crowd was pumped to see this flick. Instead I’m going to go straight to the point and say this is, indeed, a better film than Episode I. That’s still not saying too much. I think everyone can mostly agree Episode I was very much crap, but the story is still very important to remember. Without giving away any spoilers, let’s start with the not so good to the down right bad.

I could definitely go on and on with the bad. There was much in AOTC (Attack of the Clones). But instead of comparing this movie to other films, I’m going to compare it with other Star Wars movies. After all, all of the SW films have a good amount of flaws, but that doesn’t make them bad movies. The first thing I noticed was the picture quality. This movie was entirely shot with digital equipment and, therefore, needed to be adapted to film to be played in most theaters. It might have just been the theater I was in, but it looked bad. There was a very large amount of noise and artifacts all throughout the movie, especially in the darker sequences. It reminded me a lot of a poorly produced DVD like Batman, which is notorious for its high amount of artifacts. The noise in AOTC becomes extremely bad when you start seeing the out of focused backgrounds.

The second thing I noticed was how false the movie looked. The digital compositing was bad and the live actors (the little that were on screen) looked way out of place. The sets and backgrounds, while very creative, just never looked real. The actors seemed to just float in the picture. I mean they didn’t even bother to place them on real ground most of the time. A good example of this was any scene with sand in the final battle sequence. They made the sand and created the footprints as the actors walked about.


Another item that could have been improved was the dialog. SW movies are a great example of terrible dialog and AOTC is no different, in some ways, worse than it’s predecessors. There are far too many one-liners and a couple of references to other SW movies that Lucas seem to have put in on purpose to get a little giggle out of us, but instead got an “oh man, he didn’t just say that”. For Christ’s sake. “I have a bad feeling about this” is Han Solo’s line. Not Anakin’s.

Now acting, it was decent for the most part except for one character. Anakin Skywalker is suppose to be a stuck up whiny creep and Hayden Christensen portrays him as such, but it’s way over the top and not believable. It gets to the point where you hope he never talks. There are some GREAT parts fuelled by Christensen’s character and they all happen when he’s not talking.

Again, I could pick the movie apart the whole night, but there’s no point to that because whatever it is I could say still wont outweigh the good I’m about to say.

Back to the acting real quick. Obi-Wan is the man in this one. Unlike Episode I, Obi-Wan is no longer a trainee, but a master and it shows. Ewan McGregor is great at playing the older and wiser Obi-Wan and is even looking like the much older Sir Alec Guiness Obi-Wan from the original trilogy. Samuel L. Jackson is also good in his Jedi role. You finally get to see him handle a lightsaber and he doesn’t disappoint. Natalie Portman plays the cocky Senator Padme Amidala, but does it in a believable form, unlike Anakin. Christopher Lee is also excellent in his part and is also a natural at handling the lightsaber.

What about the story? This is probably the most important chapter in the main Star Wars story and Lucas does a great job of showing exactly why. Yes, it’s a love story, but it doesn’t get in the way of what Star War is and what it will always be: the classic battle between good and evil. The key word there is battle, and this movie brings you a lot of it. Anakin brings a lot of personal conflict with him and Lucas does a great job of showing you of how he deals with this conflict within and hints on the consequences that could befall if the wrong path is taken. This takes up a lot of the beginning a middle of the film and did get quite slow at times, but the last 40 minutes turned out to be the most unbelievable and breathtaking Star Wars experience EVER.


Of course, I speak of the physical battle. Unlike Episode I, this movie gives you a great sense of the scale when dealing with the wars that good and evil are fighting. Hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides collide in what is to be called the Clone Wars. It’s a massive war and we are shown the beginning of it all in AOTC. Throw in a large amount of Jedi and their lightsabers blazing about and you have the ultimate battle. I was speechless through all of the final sequences. These last 40 minutes ultimately redeem anything bad you can say about this film. It’s simply that good.

Before viewing this movie, I had a lot of hope that this would be the redeemer for Lucas to make up for Episode I. Even so, I mentally gave myself a lot of room for the big let down. It could easily have turned out to be another Episode I. We have to remember that this is a Star wars movie and because of that, we leave reality behind when we watch them. After all, we’re dealing with a time long long ago in a galaxy far far away.

How does it fair as a stand-alone movie? It’s a popcorn movie and a decent one at that. How does it fair as a Star Wars movie? Well, when it comes down to it, a lot of the bad can be looked over if the story makes sense. Not only did it make sense, but it’s moving it so perfectly between Episodes I and III that it actually made Episode I a better film because of it and that’s not easy to do. I sat at the end as the credits rolled teary-eyed and speechless out of pure amazement. Lucas has his redeemer with this act two.


Make no mistake about it. This is a GREAT Star Wars movie and easily shares top spot with The Empire Strikes Back as the GREATEST of all Star Wars films!

Bring on Episode III.

Look the hell out!…

Look the hell out! Star Wars is gonna kick my ass tonight at midnight. I’ll be posting my full review (spoiler free) around 3am tomorrow morning as soon as I get home.